TCS 152

TCS 152: machines and metaphor : what promotes the development of technologies?

tying off a few threads and thinking about machines, nature, technology

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Course Forum: Arthropods and Mammals

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Luddites fighting the machine as reality and metaphor by resisting a technology that threatened to change their way of lives for the negative. Embrace, or gain control; learn about your own desire in relation to the machine (Kal Spelletich, Survival Research Laboratories) Encounter, be contained, be watched (Alan Rath's robotic microprocessors and stripped down responsive, lifelike televisions

Found Object: the unassisted Readymade and Marcel Duchamp (1917) "Since the tubes of paint used by an artist are manufactured and readymade products we must conclude that all the paintings in the world are "Readymades aided" and also works of assemblage."(Duchamp in 1961 on the readymade)

This is a mass-produced object he purchased in a store. How does it contest the already accepted idea of what is art?

How does it introduce the machine into an earlier conception of how art is used to represent the world?



Found Processes: Jonathon Keats taking up the processes and methods used by early science. He demonstrates how quickly the 'discovery' moves into commerce.

How does he make this transition seem natural?

How does he reveal or conceal a connection between discovery (pure science and wonder) and commerce through applications of technology?

Institutional Critique- Hans Haacke : MetroMobiltan, Shapolsky Real Estate et al
Hans Haacke has worked for thirty-five years on a body of work that examines the relationship between power, art, and money, and explores the responsibilities of individuals in a democratic society.

what exactly is the machine?

what technologies are involved in the kind of coverup he exposes by showing signs of relationships between the museum exhibition and its funding sources?

• communication techs

• weapons (over time...)

• petroleum (over time..)

• transportation technologies (over space and time..)